Tuesday, 01 November 2011

"The Road" in Malaysia

Hi to all 

Singapore, being a combination of Country, Island, and City, is a fascinating place. It’s plusses are multifold, including, but not restricted to, the following; scrupulously clean, magnificent affordable public transport facilities, Trees and other plant life blooming everywhere, Commercial building architecture that must be the envy of the world. But despite having travelled around this relatively small island a reasonable amount, I cannot remember seeing a domestic home that was not part of a high rise apartment block. I am not saying they do not exist at all, but they are definitely few and far between.

Of course we did the “Bucket List” essential of visiting the famous Rafflles Hotel Long Bar, and paid a small fortune for an equally famous, or is that infamous “Singapore Sling” drink, part of the fame, apart from the Hemmingway connection, of partaking of this frankly disappointing and extremely expensive beverage, is apparently that whilst in the “Long Bar,” it is possible to discard the empty shells of the free peanuts offered, on to the floor. This for the foreigner may seem like small change, but in a land that is cleanliness and litter paranoid even to the point of not allowing the sale of chewing gum due to it’s litter risk, this is really something special; the high they get from littering without the threat of an astronomical fine for doing so, seems to be close to orgasmic.

As mentioned in our last letter, we were able to see, at a local sports bar, all 4 of the World Cup quarter finals, and both the semi finals, and of course the final.. In a maybe futile attempt to avoid my blood pressure once again reaching record levels, I will not go into detail of my opinion of certain New Zealand and French speaking Irish referees, but suffice it to say that of the 4 semi finalists 1 of them (Australia) should not have been there, and in the final another (France) shouldn’t have been there either. In order to avoid a complete travesty of justice, for once in my life I was on the side of the All Blacks, something I am sure will never be repeated.

Well, the world cup final has come and gone, with New Zealand nearly snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, and France probably playing their best game of the tournament. One thing to be thankful for is that the refereeing standard was back to normal acceptable levels. However, the IRB just had to add one more bazaar twist to the whole debacle, by fining the French team $U.S. 16000-00 for facing up to the New Zealand Haka war dance, and not cowering like frightened children. What is the world coming to? Nanny mentality gone mad.

Well we arrived here in Danga Bay Marina Malaysia, having left Raffles Marina in Singapore some 2hrs 30 minutes before our arrival. This constituted the official start of the “Sail Malaysia Rally”, and so far the experience has been first class .The official welcoming banquet / entertainment evening was exceptional, with each facet of the evening being of the highest order; i.e. service, food (all 8 courses) local entertainment, comprising local dancers, and musicians (live western music all evening) plenty of dancing for those energetically inclined;

So today we take our leave of Danga Bay and begin our journey Northward up the West coast of Malaysia (via the Malacca Straight) We will try and keep our stages daylight ones on this section, in an attempt to avoid any more incidences akin to that we experienced in the Singapore Straight, this also has it’s down side, as we will, (in many cases) have to anchor off shore overnight in relatively shallow waters. But everything in this lifestyle is a compromise of some sort.

So until the next time

Taff, Shirley and Rubbish.